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Fig. 7 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 7

From: Application of RNAi-induced gene expression profiles for prognostic prediction in breast cancer

Fig. 7

Difference of gene expression and DNA methylation in different RIPS groups. a BRCA1 expressions in different RIPS groups. Gray dots indicate the amount of BRCA1 expression for a particular sample. The width of the box is proportional to the number of samples. Reported p value is a result of ANOVA calculation. b BRCA2 expressions in different RIPS groups. c RAD51 expressions in different RIPS groups. d DNA methylation levels of cg26458617 in different RIPS groups. Gray dots indicate levels of DNA methylation of this cpg site. The width of the box is proportional to the number of samples. Reported p value is a result of ANOVA calculation. e DNA methylation levels of cg12836863 in different RIPS groups. f DNA methylation levels of cg01605516 in different RIPS groups

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