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Fig. 1 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 1

From: Single-cell transcriptomic analysis reveals tumor cell heterogeneity and immune microenvironment features of pituitary neuroendocrine tumors

Fig. 1

Single-cell landscape of normal human pituitary gland. a UMAP plot showing the annotated cell types from normal pituitary samples. Left: UMAP plot of all the clusters. Upper right: UMAP plot of only PIT1-positive epithelial cell clusters. Lower right: UMAP plot of only immune cell clusters. b Matrix plot showing mean expression of characteristic markers for each annotated cell types. c Dendrogram representing the similarity of TF expression profiles between different hormone-producing cell types. d Pearson correlation of human normal cell types with the corresponding cell types from other species. Up: mouse pituitary samples. Down: rat pituitary samples. The dashed lines represent the correlation between mean expression of all cells from human and those from mouse and rat, respectively. e Scatter plot showing few melanotrope (POMC + PCSK2 +) cells detected in human samples. Both corticotrope and melanotrope exist in mouse and rat samples. f Ternary plot characterizing pituitary stem cells from different species by three kinds of signature scores

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