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Table 1 Routine variant filtering criteria

From: Using multi-scale genomics to associate poorly annotated genes with rare diseases


Autosomal and X-linked recessive mode

Autosomal and X-linked dominant mode

Filtering criteria

Filtering criteria

1. Variant frequency

 gnomAD [42]

<= 0.02

< 0.001

 AF_popmax [42]

<= 0.02

< 0.001

 In-house exome database

<= 0.02

< 0.001

2. Splicing and synonymous variants

 dbscSNV_RF_SCORE and dbscSNV_ADA_SCORE [43]

dbscSNV_RF_SCORE >= 0.5 or dbscSNV_ADA_SCORE >= 0.5 or SpliceAI >= 0.5

dbscSNV_RF_SCORE >= 0.5 or dbscSNV_ADA_SCORE >= 0.5 or SpliceAI >= 0.5

 SpliceAI [44]

3. Nonsynonymous variants

 Polyphen2_HDIV_score [5]

Polyphen2_HDIV_score >= 0.5 or REVEL score >= 0.5 or SIFT score <= 0.5

Polyphen2_HDIV_score >= 0.5 or REVEL score >= 0.5 or SIFT score <= 0.5

 REVEL score [6]

 SIFT score [45]