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Fig. 5 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 5

From: Integrative analysis of spatial and single-cell transcriptome data from human pancreatic cancer reveals an intermediate cancer cell population associated with poor prognosis

Fig. 5

Ep_VGLL1 represents the transitional cancer cell population in PDAC progression. A Average inferred transcription factor activities of KLF5 and SOX4 across the epithelial cell clusters in pancreatic cancer. B Average expression of SMAD4 and GATA6 in epithelial cell clusters. C Wnt signaling network in the epithelial cell population. D,E Scatter plots showing the average (D) Wnt dependency and Wnt independency scores and (E) S100A4 and OCLN expression across the epithelial cell clusters. F Expression of epithelial subcluster markers in FOLFIRINOX-treated pancreatic cancer tumor spheroid cells. The tumor spheroid cells were derived from six different patients and the expression data downloaded from a previous study [9]. Whiskers indicate minimum and maximum values, and values exceeding 1.5 × IQR (interquartile range) are noted as outliers

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