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Fig. 2 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 2

From: SRT-Server: powering the analysis of spatial transcriptomic data

Fig. 2

The design and implementation of SRT-Server. SRT-Server is a web-based application with an easy-to-use interface designed for analyzing and visualizing spatial transcriptomics data. Users can access SRT-Server website using Chrome or Firefox browsers. After logging in, users can upload their spatial transcriptomics data, create a personalized analytic pipeline, carry out desired SRT analyses, and download the generated results and figures. SRT-Server consists of a user management system, a front-end client, a back-end server, and a proxy client. The front-end client utilizes the VUE JavaScript framework, Element UI library, and LogicFlow for analytic pipeline creation. The back-end server employs the Spring Boot framework to build the ten analytic modules mentioned in the previous figure. The server further uses Docker to create an environment that encapsulates the R computing environment (v4.2.2) along with 43 R packages and the python computing environment (v3.10.6) along with 7 R packages. We used APIs to transfer ten servers. Overall, SRT-Server facilitates effective and comprehensive analysis of the ever-growing collection of SRT datasets

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