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Fig. 1 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 1

From: Age-dependent genes in adipose stem and precursor cells affect regulation of fat cell differentiation and link aging to obesity via cellular and genetic interactions

Fig. 1

Comparisons of SAT cell-type proportion estimates by age and BMI status indicate that ASPC proportions decrease with age, and this difference is abolished by obesity. a Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) visualization of 12,564 nuclei from SAT samples of 6 individuals from the Finnish Twin Cohort (FTC), colored by cell type. We assigned clusters to 5 major adipose cell types. b Boxplots comparing the centered and scaled SAT cell-type proportion estimates in bulk SAT RNA-seq from FTC between unrelated individuals below (n=28) and above 40 years of age (n=22) show a significant difference in ASPC proportions by age. The 40-year cutpoint was selected due to the bimodal distribution of age in FTC (see “Methods”). We randomly selected one individual per monozygotic (MZ) twin pair to ensure the individuals were unrelated. c Boxplots separate BMI-discordant MZ twin pairs from FTC into a lower BMI group consisting of the lower BMI twin per pair and higher BMI group with the higher BMI twin. Within each group, we compared ASPC proportions by age (nlower BMI below 40=28, nhigher BMI below 40=28, nlower BMI over 40=22, nhigher BMI over 40=22). d Boxplots separate normal BMI (BMI<25), overweight (25BMI<30), and obese (BMI30) individuals from the METSIM cohort and compare SAT ASPC proportions between those with age below the 25th percentile of age (nnormal BMI=27, noverweight=46, nobese=19) and above the 75th percentile of age (nnormal BMI=21, noverweight=34, nobese=18) in each group. e Boxplots separate the individuals from METSIM with age below the 25th percentile of age (nnormal BMI=27, nobese=19) and above the 75th percentile of age (nnormal BMI=21, nobese=18) and compare SAT ASPC proportions between normal BMI (BMI<25) and obese (BMI30) individuals in each age group. b–e Asterisks denote a significant difference in cell-type proportions between younger and older individuals as assessed by a Wilcoxon test. Significance thresholds for p-values: *p <0.05, **p <0.01, and ***p <0.001

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