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Fig. 3 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Age-dependent genes in adipose stem and precursor cells affect regulation of fat cell differentiation and link aging to obesity via cellular and genetic interactions

Fig. 3

Age-DE SAT ASPC genes and non-age-DE ASPC marker genes show association patterns with many metabolic traits. Heatmaps compare the associations between the bulk expression of individuals genes in METSIM (n=335) and all tested metabolic phenotypes, for the 76 age-DE SAT ASPC genes (top) and 79 non-age-DE (bottom) ASPC marker genes. Traits and genes are both shown in decreasing order of number of significant correlations, as assessed by a Wilcoxon rank sum test. For each gene, we colored significantly associated traits (FDR<0.05) by directionality of the association, where a positive log2 fold change in gene expression represents a positive association. Red indicates a positive correlation, blue indicates a negative correlation, and genes colored black showed no significant correlations. Genes and outcomes which had no significant associations (FDR<0.05) were omitted. Below the heatmaps, we tabulate the proportions of genes per gene set that show significant associations with each metabolic trait

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