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Fig. 5 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 5

From: Age-dependent genes in adipose stem and precursor cells affect regulation of fat cell differentiation and link aging to obesity via cellular and genetic interactions

Fig. 5

Age and the regional BMI polygenic risk score (PRS) comprising the local cis variants of the age-DE SAT ASPC genes interact negatively on BMI in obese individuals. Forest plots compare the 95% confidence intervals for the standardized estimated coefficient (β) of the age and BMI PRS interaction term in the linear model BMI ~ age + PRS + PRS × age between the genome-wide PRS, which includes all variants in the genome and a regional PRS, which includes the variants in the cis-regions of the (a) age-DE SAT ASPC genes and (b) non-age-DE ASPC marker genes. We separated the normal BMI (BMI<25) (n=45,203) and obese (BMI≥30) (n=45,203) individuals in UKB, and within each BMI group, evaluated the interaction term between age and the regional and genome-wide BMI PRSs. Each dot represents the mean estimate, and the horizontal bars denote the 95% confidence intervals of the estimate. Asterisks indicate that the age and PRS interaction term is significant in the model, as assessed by a Wald-test. Significance thresholds for p-values: *p <0.05, **p <0.01, and ***p <0.001

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