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Fig. 3 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Rare subclonal sequencing of breast cancers indicates putative metastatic driver mutations are predominately acquired after dissemination

Fig. 3

Putative metastatic driver mutations detected within antecedent rare primary tumor subclones inform modes of tumor evolution. A Estimated CCFs for metastatic driver mutations detected within rare primary tumor subclones using median CCF across possible multiplicity factors. Each color indicates a different patient. Horizontal dashed line indicates median CCF. B Within primary (“P”) and metastatic (“M”) tumors from patient P25, estimated posterior distributions of CCF (violin plots) for metastatic driver mutations that were either detected (LRP5, PEAK1) or undetected (ERBB2) by UDS-UMI/UDG within rare subclones of the primary tumor. Distribution height indicates the range of possible CCF values, with the widest point indicating the most likely estimate. For each mutation, there was only one allele that could be mutated. No violin plot distribution is shown for the ERBB2 mutation in the primary tumor because the mutation was not detected in the primary tumor. C Muller plot showing the estimated evolutionary trajectories of metastatic driver mutations in patient P25

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