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Fig. 1 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 1

From: Ethnic variations in metabolic syndrome components and their associations with the gut microbiota: the HELIUS study

Fig. 1

Overview of the occurrence of the metabolic syndrome (MetS)-related measures in the total population (n = 16,209). A Predicted outcomes (with 95% CI) for the (logistic) regression models with each outcome measure predicted on age, sex, ethnicity, and (except for HighTri) sex:ethnicity. Values are provided for a 40 years old person from the different groups. p-values for the interaction term (tested with a likelihood ratio test) in the model are stated. The left column represents the binarized outcomes; the right column represents the continuous outcomes. B Prevalence of each possible combination of individual (binarized) metabolic syndrome components for the total population indicated per sex and ethnicity, not adjusted for age. The components present in each specific combination are indicated by the black dots in the left part of the figure. The proportion of subjects with a particular combination within each group is indicated by the bars on the right part of the figure. W = central obesity, B = high blood pressure, H = low HDL, T = high triglycerides, G = high glucose. C Prevalence of each possible combination of individual (binarized) metabolic syndrome components for the MetS population indicated per sex and ethnicity, not adjusted for age. The components present in each specific combination are indicated by the black dots in the bottom part of the figure. The proportion of subjects with a particular combination is indicated by the bars at the top part of the figure. W = central obesity, B = high blood pressure, H = low HDL, T = high triglycerides, G = high glucose

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