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Fig. 3 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Molecular-guided therapy for the treatment of patients with relapsed and refractory childhood cancers: a Beat Childhood Cancer Research Consortium trial

Fig. 3

A For all subjects meeting the efficacy criteria (n = 124), best response rates were calculated using subjects’ best scan results while on‑study. Sixty-seven percent of neuroblastoma subjects, 73% of CNS tumor subjects, and 60% of other rare solid tumor subjects experienced stabilization of disease or better in this clinical trial. B Stable disease was defined as neither a sufficient decrease in tumor burden to qualify as PR nor a sufficient tumor burden increase to qualify as PD. Therefore, any change in tumor burden between ≤ 30% decrease and ≤ 20% increase all fell under SD. To better represent the change in tumor burden while on‑study, the percent change from pre‑cycle 1 scans to best scan while on‑study was determined for all subjects with measurable disease on imaging. A central review of all scans was performed by a single radiologist and measurements were performed using RECIST v1.1. Of the 73 subjects with measurable disease, 21 experienced an increase in tumor burden, 6 experienced no change, and 46 experienced a decrease in tumor burden. C Time on-study for all subjects meeting the safety criteria (n = 144) is represented in the swimmer plots. The axis scale breaks at day 100, marked by 2 dotted parallel lines. Each color represents a different time point of the trial (see color legend), accounting for multiple biopsied subjects

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