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Table 4 Comparison of established kidney markers (ACR and eGFR) and HbA1c among the diabetes/non-diabetes group. A Mann–Whitney U test was used to assess statistical significance between the groups

From: Novel genetic markers for chronic kidney disease in a geographically isolated population of Indigenous Australians: Individual and multiple phenotype genome-wide association study


Diabetes—median (Q1, Q3)


Yes (n = 111)

No (n = 344)

ACR (mg/mmol)

30.88 (5.19, 95.34)

1.25 (0.52, 6.59)

 < 0.001*

eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m2)

102.26 (77.12, 113.19)

109.84 (96.84, 120.49)

 < 0.001*

HbA1c (%)

7.30 (6.60, 10.05)

5.70 (5.50, 5.90)

 < 0.001*

  1. *statistically significant; Q1: 1st quartile; Q3: 3rd quartile