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Fig. 4 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Systematic immune cell dysregulation and molecular subtypes revealed by single-cell RNA-seq of subjects with type 1 diabetes

Fig. 4

Overlap with prognostic expression signature and transcriptome changes in T1DM pancreas. a Overlap between T1DM versus healthy DEGs in PBMC cell types (this study) and prognostic markers and DEGs identified in other T1DM studies. Kallionpaa et al.: prognostic markers of seroconversion and T1DM onset. Russell et al., Fasolino et al.: T1DM versus healthy DEGs in primary pancreatic \(\beta\) cells, cultured pancreatic macrophages. Statistical significance of overlap [Fisher’s exact test, \(-log10\) (FDR q-value)] is indicated, with number of overlapping genes in parentheses. b Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis: dot plot of biological processes enriched in overlapping up-DEGs in a colored by \(-log10\) (FDR q-value). T/NK::SeroConv: T/NK DEGs that overlap prognostic markers of seroconversion in T cells or PBMCs (n = 20); T1DM onset: union of prognostic markers of T1DM onset in T cell and PBMCs; PanBeta: DEGs of pancreatic \(\beta\) cells; PanMac: DEGs of pancreatic macrophages. Dot size: percentage of total DEGs in the given GO term. c Heatmap of differential expression (DE) scores [\(|log2(Fold-Change) \vert \times -log10 (FDR \textit{q-value})\)] for union of overlapping up-DEGs in a. DEGs are clustered by k-means into seven clusters (C1-7)

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