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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of chronic hepatitis C patients after therapy

From: Identification of improved IL28B SNPs and haplotypes for prediction of drug response in treatment of hepatitis C using massively parallel sequencing in a cross-sectional European cohort


Demographic factorsa




Mean years of age (SD)



Mean BMI (SD)

Viral loadc

Australian cohort (n = 312,313)


SVR (n = 130)

40.0 a (9.6)

52 b (40.0)

78 b (60.0)

26.927.0 (4.85.1)

P = NS

NSVR (n = 182,183)

44.5 4 a (7.12)

42 43 b (23.15)

140 b (76.95)

27.4 (5.32)


Berlin cohort (n = 310,307)


SVR (n = 150,149)

41.0 (10.5)

79 78 (52.73)

71 (47.37)

25.1 (4.5)

P < 0.05001

NSVR (n = 15,860)

46.7 8 (10.34)

69 68 (43.10)

91 90 (55.97.0)

25.9 (3.9)


Newcastle UK cohort (n = 6,990)


SVR (n = 3,140)

3837.2 a (11.86)

9 12 (29.030.0)

22 28 (7170.0)

25.23.7 (3.96.3)

P ≤ 0.05002

NSVR (n = 5,038)

46.0 a (1210.0)

10 12 (26.324.0)

28 38 (73.776.0)

26.227.0 (6.64.8)


Bonn cohort (n = 57)


SVR (n = 26)

44.7 (12.9)

11 (42.3)

15 (57.7)

25.4 (4.23)

P ≤ 0.05008

NSVR (n = 31)

50.8 (10.9)

11 (35.5)

20 (64.5)

27.3 (4.6)


Trent UK cohort (n = 4,843)


SVR (n = 2,221)

39.843.5 (9.80)

6 5 (27.323.8)

16 (72.776.2)

26.97.1 (3.57)


NSVR (n = 2,622)

45.747.4 (7.99.3)

5 4 (1918.2)

21 18 (8081.8)

2526.0 (2.93.5)


Turin cohort (n = 11,495)


SVR (n = 5,845)

41.63.3 (13.10)

28 18 (48.340.0)

30 27 (51.760.0)

24.023.9 (3.23)

P ≤ 0.0502

NSVR (n = 5,650)

45.1 7 (10.09.7)

19 (33.938.0)

37 31 (66.162.0)

24.5 6 (3.34)


Total cohort (n = 910,905)


SVR (n = 417,411)

40.9 6 a (10.87)

185 176 b (44.442.8)

232 235 b (55.657.2)

25.5 7 (4.75)

P < 0.05001

NSVR (n = 493,494)

45.7b 8 a (9.32)

156b 157 b (31.68)

337 b (68.42)

26.3 5 (4.76)

  1. aP < 0.001 comparisons between responders (SVR) and non-responders (NSVR) based on Student's t-testUnless otherwise specified, mean (s.d.) are presented. bP < 0.05 005 comparisons between responders (SVR) and non-responders (NSVR) based on the χ2 test. cComparisons between SVR and NSVR based on the Mann-Whitney U test.