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Table 2 Key components of NGS analysis and a list of exemplar tools. Most clinical sequencing pipelines will employ a single read aligner (e.g., BWA-MEM) and mark duplicates with one algorithm (e.g., Picard). However, multiple tools for collecting sequencing metrics and performing sample QC may be employed to meet the needs of the laboratory. For variant calling, it is recommended that pipelines incorporate 2–3 tools for each class of variant to maximize detection sensitivity. See the relevant section of this review for recommendations specific to each variant class

From: Best practices for variant calling in clinical sequencing


Variant callers

Alignment and pre-processing

 Read alignment

BWA-MEM [25], Bowtie 2 [26], minimap2 [27], Novoalign

 Marking duplicates

Picard tools [28], Sambamba [29], SAMBLASTER [30]

 BAM file creation

Samtools [31], GATK [19]

 Sequencing metrics

BEDTools [32], Picard tools [28], QualiMap 2 [33]

 Sample quality control

KING [34], VerifyBamID [35]

Variant calling

 Inherited SNVs/indels

FreeBayes [36], GATK HaplotypeCaller [19], Platypus [20], Samtools/BCFtools [37]

 Somatic mutations

deepSNV [38], MuSE [39], MuTect2 [40], SomaticSniper [41], Strelka2 [42], VarDict [43], VarScan2 [44]

 Copy number variants

cn.MOPS [45], CONTRA [46], CoNVEX [47], ExomeCNV [48], ExomeDepth [49], XHMM [50]

 Structural variants

DELLY [51], Lumpy [52], Manta [53], Pindel [54], SVMerge [55]

 Gene fusions (RNA-seq)

fusionCatcher [56], fusionMap [57], mapSplice [58], SOAPfuse [59], STAR-Fusion [60], TopHat-Fusion [61]

Variant review/storage

 Visualization and review

Artemis [62], Integrative Genomics Viewer [63]

 VCF/BCF file manipulation

BCFtools [37]

  1. BAM binary alignment/map, SNV single nucleotide variant, VCF variant call format, BCF binary variant call format