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Fig. 6 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Functional interpretation of ATAD3A variants in neuro-mitochondrial phenotypes

Fig. 6

L83V and R176W variants cause aberrant mitochondrial morphology, increased autophagic and mitophagic vesicles. a Electron micrographs of the thorax muscles from 8-week-old dAtad3a mutant flies expressing dAtad3aWT, dAtad3aR176W, or dAtad3aL83V. Arrows show autophagosomes (i, ii, and v), autolysosomes (v and viii), lysosomes (vi and ix), and mitophagosomes (iv and vii). Scale bars indicate 600 nm. b Quantification of mitochondria size, mitochondria phenotypes, numbers of autophagosome, autolysosome, lysosome, and mitophagosome. The respective number of the vesicles was normalized by observed area (μm2). Error bars indicate SEM. P values were calculated using Student’s t test. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001

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