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Fig. 4 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 4

From: An epigenetic and transcriptomic signature of immune tolerance in human monocytes through multi-omics integration

Fig. 4

Monocyte DNA methylation assessed by reduced representation bisulfite sequencing in the acute and recovery stage of community-acquired pneumonia. A Three-dimensional scatter plot of methylation levels calculated in DNAse hypersensitive sites (DNAse-HS; 109,925 sites) of CAP patient monocytes obtained during the acute stage (n = 26), and from some of the same patients during the recovery stage (n=24), as well as age and sex-matched control subjects (n = 22). B Manhattan plot illustrating differentially methylated regions between CAP patient acute stage monocytes and controls. Horizontal red line denotes genome-wide significance threshold. C Boxplots of significantly altered DNAse HS methylation levels in CAP relative to controls

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