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Fig. 4 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Diagnostic Evidence GAuge of Single cells (DEGAS): a flexible deep transfer learning framework for prioritizing cells in relation to disease

Fig. 4

Association between subtypes and progression risk in MM. IUSM CD138+ scRNA-seq subtype clusters generated from Seurat colored by A cluster, i.e., subtype and B progression association. C Kaplan-Meier curves of PFS from cross-validation for the MMRF patients stratified by median proportional hazard. D Kaplan-Meier curves of OS from Zhan et al. external dataset stratified by median proportional hazard. E Progression association for IUSM CD138+ subtypes. F Progression association for NHIP, MGUS, SMM, and MM in the external dataset Ledergor et al. G Subtype 2 enrichment for NHIP, MGUS, SMM, and MM in the external dataset Ledergor et al. NHIP: normal hip bone marrow, MGUS: monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, SMM: smoldering multiple myeloma, MM: multiple myeloma. Significance values: • (0.1), * (0.05), ** (0.01), *** (0.001). All plots were generated using the default parameters for the DEGAS package described in the section of Methods: “Transfer learning using DEGAS”

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