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Table 1 X-CAP features. violetItalicized features are novel and have not been used in previous stopgain pathogenicity predictors. Specifically, no features related to zygosity, stop codon read-through, or alternative translation reinitiation are present in earlier classifiers

From: X-CAP improves pathogenicity prediction of stopgain variants

Feature type

Feature name




Binary variable distinguishing homozygous (and hemizygous) variants from heterozygous variants, inputed when known or predicted as a function of benign stopgain alleles at the same position in training set when unknown

Gene/exon essentiality


Number of benign stopgains in training set along gene divided by gnomAD’s expected number of loss-of-function variants



Measure of gene intolerance to functional variation


OMIM gene map

Two non-exclusive, binary features indicating whether a recessive or dominant disease listed in the OMIM Gene Map is caused by mutations in this gene


violetmonoclass pathogenic

Transcript or exon contains no benign variants and at least one pathogenic variant within training set


violetcan be spliced out

Variant is skipped in at least one isoform of the gene

Variant location

distance from CDS start/end

Number of coding nucleotides from CDS start and end


relative CDS location

Distance from CDS start divided by CDS length


violetdistance from exon start/end

Number of coding nucleotides from exon start and end


violetrelative exon location

Distance from exon start divided by exon length


violetexon length

Number of nucleotides in overlapped exon


violetexon number

Index of the exon that the variant overlaps


violet# transcript exons

Number of exons in overlapped transcript



Ternary variable indicating if the variable is located on an autosomal, X, or Y chromosome


distance from last exon-exon junction

Number of coding nucleotides upstream from last exon-exon junction (negative if downstream of junction)


violet% transcripts with NMD

Percentage of overlapped transcripts in which the variant is >50 bp upstream of the last exon-exon junction

Stop codon read-through

violetstop codon

One-hot encoding of the new stop codon introduced by the stopgain

Alternative translation reinitiation

violetdistance to next start codon

Number of base pairs between the variant and the next potential downstream start codon within the mRNA

Cross-species conservation


Base-pair conservation across vertebrates of upstream, downstream, and overlapped exon regions



Regional conservation across vertebrates of upstream, downstream, and overlapped exon regions