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Table 1 Differences between CTC and ctDNA analyses

From: Circulating tumor cells and DNA as liquid biopsies





Special instrumentation for cell identification needed

None, simple blood collection

Isolation of CTC or ctDNA

Complex CTC isolation out of thousands of cells and complex single-cell transfer for further processing

No isolation of ctDNA required; instead, standard preparation of plasma DNA

WGA required for DNA analysis



Information on heterogeneity and clonality

Yes, if enough CTCs are captured and successfully analyzed

No, results represent an average from all cells shedding tumor DNA into the circulation

Dependence on EpCAM markers

Yes, for most CTC capture systems, such as the CellSearch system. EpCAM-independent CTC capture systems exist but await validation in clinical studies

Independent of any marker

Applicability for basic metastasis research

Instrumental, as it enables cell-by-cell analyses, generation of cell lines and analyses in animal models

Provides only a snapshot of the current status of the tumor genome

Applicability for diagnostic or monitoring purposes

Established for CTC enumeration; advancements will depend on improvements in CTC capturing, analysis tools and associated costs

Appears to be very attractive because of the simplicity of obtaining plasma DNA; needs to be determined in clinical studies