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Table 1 Major platforms for microRNA profiling

From: MicroRNAs and the cancer phenotype: profiling, signatures and clinical implications


Execution time

Sample input





<6 hours

10-500 ng


High sensitivity, large dynamic range (~6 orders of magnitude), reproducibility, accessibility, compatible with several sources of biological material

Low throughput, unable to detect novel or modified miRNAs, variability across platforms

Microfluidic qPCR platforms

<6 hours

10-500 ng


High throughput, high sensitivity, large dynamic range (~6 orders of magnitude), reproducibility, compatible with several sources of biological material

Unable to detect novel or modified miRNAs, variability across platforms


48 hours

100 ng-1 μg


High throughput, well optimized, well established analysis methods

Generally cannot distinguish mature from pre-miRNAs, might require a non-specific amplification step

Next generation sequencing

2 weeks

500 ng-5 μg


High throughput, useful for miRNA discovery and modified miRNA detection, high sensitivity, large dynamic range (~5 orders of magnitude)

Large investment and bioinformatics expertise required, slow turnover, may suffer from non-linearity in the amplification step

  1. miRNA, microRNA; qPCR, quantitative polymerase chain reaction.