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Fig. 1 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 1

From: Exploring the OncoGenomic Landscape of cancer

Fig. 1

Visual display of the OncoGenomic Landscape of cancer. a PanCancer Landscape populated by 15,212 samples of 19 major tumor types of different biological origin (13,827 patients, 434 PDXs, 46 organoids, 905 cell lines). The territories occupied by samples that have at least one of the five most recurrent oncogenic alterations are shaded in different colors and serve as landmarks for molecular interpretation. b Distinct territories occupied by the nine most comprehensively characterized tumor types are depicted as transparent level plots overlaid on the PanCancer Landscape background. BRCA breast carcinoma, LUAD lung adenocarcinoma, COREAD colorectal adenocarcinoma, PRAD prostate cancer, GBM glioblastoma multiforme, RCCC renal clear cell carcinoma, CM cutaneous melanoma, OV ovarian cancer, and THCA thyroid cancer. c The OncoGenomic Landscape of breast invasive carcinoma (BRCA) patients is shown to illustrate how each of the 19 tumor type-specific landscapes is displayed in our web-server. Colors represent the territories occupied by samples having oncogenic alterations in five breast cancer specific landmark driver genes. d Boxplot showing the median distance of breast cancer samples to the 5% nearest neighbors in each comparison. The first two boxes compare the median distance of all breast cancer patients among themselves and to patients with other tumor types. The remaining pairs of boxes focus on patients that have an oncogenic alteration in each of the main five BRCA driver genes. Panels a, b, and c are screenshots directly obtained from the web-server. Panel d was generated after performing the statistical analysis outside of the app

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