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Fig. 9 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 9

From: A reference profile-free deconvolution method to infer cancer cell-intrinsic subtypes and tumor-type-specific stromal profiles

Fig. 9

Comparison of BLCA scRNAseq data and BLCA subtypes. a The correlation between mean expression profile of each epithelial cell cluster and subtype-specific cancer profiles estimated by DeClust or by TCGA. Error bars indicate the 95% confidence interval. b Bar plot of the fold change of the top 20 up/downregulated genes between two BLCA luminal subtypes defined by TCGA (left) and the heat map of their expression in our scRNAseq dataset (right). The fold change was calculated based on mixed expression values. The absolute expression values (log-transformed) are showed in the heat map. c Similar to b except the top 20 genes and their fold change was derived by comparing the two luminal subtypes defined by DeClust. The fold change was calculated by comparing the subtype-specific profiles estimated by DeClust

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