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Fig. 2 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 2

From: scGRNom: a computational pipeline of integrative multi-omics analyses for predicting cell-type disease genes and regulatory networks

Fig. 2

Identification of cell-type disease genes and regulatory elements. The function of our pipeline, scGRNom_disGenes, predicts cell-type disease genes and regulatory elements. First, it inputs a cell-type GRN (top right) and disease-associated SNPs from GWAS (top left). Second, the function identifies the disease SNPs that interrupt the binding sites of the TFs on the enhancers or promoters that link to the target genes in the input GRN (middle). Finally, the function outputs a list of the target genes and regulatory elements (enhancers or promoters) linked by disease SNPs (bottom). Red star: SNP. Cyan triangle: TF. Purple ellipse: enhancer. Green square: cell-type disease gene

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