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Fig. 2 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Distinct transcriptional programs stratify ovarian cancer cell lines into the five major histological subtypes

Fig. 2

NMF of RNAseq segregates ovarian cancer cell lines into five clusters that recapitulate histological subtypes. A Quality metrics describing the performance of NMF for 2 to 10 clusters. From left, the cophenetic correlation coefficients, dispersion and silhouette. Colours indicate the type of measure plotted. B Consensus map showing cell line clustering for 200 iterative runs of NMF using 5 clusters. The blocks of the consensus map are coloured by the probability of two samples clustering together. The annotation track atop the heatmap indicates (top) the HGSOC-likelihood score of a cell line determined by Domcke et al. where darker shades represent a higher score; middle, the ovarian cancer subtype provided in the cell line’s original literature source (NS, not specified); bottom, the consensus cluster assignment across 200 NMF runs

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