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Fig. 2 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Spatiotemporal evolution of the clear cell renal cell carcinoma microenvironment links intra-tumoral heterogeneity to immune escape

Fig. 2

TME ITH in ccRCC. A Intratumoral heterogeneity of several gene expression signatures across multiple tumor regions. For each patient, each tumor region is assigned a unique color. For each vertex on the radar plot, we plot the Z-score of the relevant RNA signature relative to all other samples in the cohort. Min and max radius for each feature in each panel represent min and max of that feature across the cohort. A wide (narrow) spread of dots for a given feature in a single patient corresponds to qualitatively large (small) heterogeneity of that microenvironmental RNA signature in that patient. B For each gene signature, the number of patients who were classified as high or low or a mixture of high and low across tumor regions are shown. Two patients (MR05 and NIVO10) were excluded since WTS data of only one region was available. Also, pre-treatment regions of ICI-treated patients were excluded to avoid treatment-related effects in these signatures. C Intratumoral heterogeneity of myeloid score observed across multiple regions of tumors of patients in this study

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