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Table 3 Clinical and genetic features of high scoring solved and unsolved families

From: The role of genetic testing in diagnosis and care of inherited cardiac conditions in a specialised multidisciplinary clinic

Family code



Family history

Genetic testing

Unsolved (ongoing research)



Clinically diagnosed with HCM < 10 years with moderate LVH. SCD < 30 years, with HCM identified as the cause of death at post-mortem

Second-degree relative with confirmed ARVC

Negative WES



SCD < 30 years with moderate hypertrophy and dilatation and minor RV fibrosis and fatty infiltration at post-mortem. No clinical diagnosis

Multiple syncopal episodes and RV dilatation in one sibling. Diagnostic type 1 Brugada pattern on ajmaline challenge in multiple relatives.

Negative WGS in the proband and negative WES in the first-, second-, and third-degree relatives



Multiple syncopal episodes, dyspnoea, and 6-s sinus pause on loop recorder onset < 30 years. Mild LV dilatation on CMR. No clinical diagnosis

SUD during sleep in parent age < 40 years and one sibling with unclassified sinus node disease and PPM

Negative gene panel and WES



SCA < 30 years, structurally normal heart with atypical ECG changes. ICD implanted for secondary prevention

Children with ECG changes including bradycardia, implanted with PPM

Negative gene panel and WES

Solved on review



SCA during pregnancy, apical LVH leading to a clinical diagnosis of HCM (ICD implanted). Later decompensated, progressing to severe heart failure. The final diagnosis of ACTN2 cardiomyopathy

Multiple affected relatives with a heterogeneous phenotype ranging from asymptomatic to syncope, heart failure, and SCD

LP variant in ACTN2 identified via research-based linkage analysis



Mild apical LVH and atypical ECG changes, clinically diagnosed with HCM (borderline). The final diagnosis of FHL1 cardiomyopathy, with a neurological review identifying elbow contractures and mild muscular dystrophy

SCD in siblings < 20 years

Negative gene panel, LP variant in FHL1 identified on WES



SCD < 30 years, diagnosed with possible HCM at postmortem investigation. The final diagnosis of SCN5A disease

Family members experienced syncope and multiple relatives subsequently diagnosed with Brugada syndrome

Negative gene panel, LP translocation in SCN5A on WGS



Elite athlete, presented with SCA < 30 years, but no clinical diagnosis despite extensive investigation. The final diagnosis of DSP cardiomyopathy

No family history of the disease

P truncating variant in DSP identified on a comprehensive cardiac panel

  1. SCD sudden cardiac death, HCM hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, ARVC arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, SUD sudden unexpected death with no cause identified, ECG electrocardiogram, SCA sudden cardiac arrest, ICD implantable cardioverter defibrillator, WES whole-exome sequencing, WGS whole genome sequencing, RV right ventricle, CMR cardiac magnetic resonance, PPM permanent pacemaker, LVH left ventricular hypertrophy