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Fig. 5 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 5

From: Pharmacogenomic profiling reveals molecular features of chemotherapy resistance in IDH wild-type primary glioblastoma

Fig. 5

TMZ screening in multi-sector samples underscores intra-tumor heterogeneity of drug response. a Experimental design for screening multi-sector samples. Sen, TMZ-sensitive; Res, TMZ-resistant. b Molecular features of multi-sector samples. I, initial tumor; R, recurrent tumor; WT, wild-type; mut, mutant; M, methylated; UM, unmethylated; N/A, not available; C, classical; P, proneural; M, mesenchymal. c, d Phylogenetic trees of somatic mutation evolution in multi-sector samples from c patient M13 and d patient M14. The length of the branch is relative to the number of mutations. Dashed lines indicate a relatively larger number of mutations that cannot be scaled for visualization. Indicated alterations are GBM driver alterations and RNA expression of TMZ-resistant markers. amp, amplification; del, deletion; higher_exp, higher transcriptomic expression compared to other sample/samples. Blue, TMZ-sensitive; red, TMZ-resistant. e Comparison of Concurrent CNAs in PTEN, EGFR, and CDKN2A/B in the main cohort. P value by Fisher’s exact test. f Overall survival difference in patients with multi-sector samples identified as S, all sensitive (M1~M4); H, heterogeneous (M11~M18); R, all resistant (M5~M10). P-values calculated by logrank test. g Detection rate of TMZ heterogeneity by the number of multi-sector samples. h Relative distribution of TMZ response by the number of multi-sector samples

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