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Table 1 Clinicopathological characteristics of patients and tumors in SCAN-B divided by screening subpopulation

From: Molecular characteristics of breast tumors in patients screened for germline predisposition from a population-based observational study


Non-screened patients

(n = 5760)

Screened patients

(n = 900)


(n = 6660)



 < 0.001


5732 (99.5%)

880 (97.8%)

6612 (99.3%)


28 (0.5%)

20 (2.2%)

48 (0.7%)

Age at diagnosis (years)

 < 0.001

  ≤ 40

117 (2.0%)

212 (23.6%)

329 (4.9%)


830 (14.4%)

214 (23.8%)

1044 (15.7%)


1140 (19.8%)

157 (17.4%)

1297 (19.5%)


1850 (32.1%)

205 (22.8%)

2055 (30.9%)


1228 (21.3%)

87 (9.7%)

1315 (19.7%)

  ≥ 81

595 (10.3%)

25 (2.8%)

620 (9.3%)

Nottingham histologic grade (NHG)

 < 0.001

 Grade 1

923 (16.0%)

103 (11.4%)

1026 (15.4%)

 Grade 2

2824 (49.0%)

361 (40.1%)

3185 (47.8%)

 Grade 3

1820 (31.6%)

332 (36.9%)

2152 (32.3%)

 Not available

193 (3.4%)

104 (11.6%)

297 (4.5%)

Tumor size


 T1 (< 20 mm)

3329 (57.8%)

547 (60.8%)

3876 (58.2%)

 T2 (20–50 mm)

1743 (30.3%)

267 (29.7%)

2010 (30.2%)

 T3 (> 50 mm)

169 (2.9%)

27 (3.0%)

196 (2.9%)

 Other/Not available

519 (9.0%)

59 (6.6%)

578 (8.7%)

Ki67 status

 < 0.001


2890 (50.2%)

341 (37.9%)

3231 (48.5%)


2870 (49.8%)

559 (62.1%)

3429 (51.5%)

Risk of recurrence (ROR) score

 < 0.001


1937 (33.6%)

241 (26.8%)

2178 (32.7%)


1287 (22.3%)

174 (19.3%)

1461 (21.9%)


2329 (40.4%)

433 (48.1%)

2762 (41.5%)

 Not available

207 (3.6%)

52 (5.8%)

259 (3.9%)

Clinical subgroup

 < 0.001

 ER + /HER2 − /LN − 

2869 (49.8%)

328 (36.4%)

3197 (48.0%)

 ER + /HER2 − /LN + 

1495 (26.0%)

232 (25.8%)

1727 (25.9%)

 HER2 + /ER − 

221 (3.8%)

33 (3.7%)

254 (3.8%)

 HER2 + /ER + 

469 (8.1%)

95 (10.6%)

564 (8.5%)


489 (8.5%)

160 (17.8%)

649 (9.7%)

 Not available

217 (3.8%)

52 (5.8%)

269 (4.0%)

PAM50 molecular subtype (restricted by ER/HER2 status)

 < 0.001

 Luminal A (& ER + /HER2 −)

2904 (50.4%)

359 (39.9%)

3263 (49.0%)

 Luminal B (& ER + /HER2 −)

1173 (20.4%)

155 (17.2%)

1328 (19.9%)

 HER2-enriched (& HER2 +)

337 (5.9%)

53 (5.9%)

390 (5.9%)

 Basal (& ER − /HER2 −)

338 (5.9%)

143 (15.9%)

481 (7.2%)


1008 (17.5%)

190 (21.1%)

1198 (18.0%)

  1. P chi-square test p-value corrected for multiple testing (8 tests) with the Benjamini–Hochberg method. Variable categories “Not available” and “Other” were excluded from calculations