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Fig. 4 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Metagenomic assessment of gut microbial communities and risk of severe COVID-19

Fig. 4

Comparative microbial assemblages in moderate vs. severe COVID-19. We assembled discrete microbial networks for moderate vs. severe disease to demonstrate significant ecological heterogeneity characterized by fractured clustering and taxa-level reassignment in severe disease. Species are represented by circles (nodes) and species-species correlations were weighted by strength of correlation (edges drawn if absolute Pearson’s ⍴ > 0.4). Node size indicates normalized relative abundance, and node colors indicate cluster membership. Cluster colors are retained across networks if two or more taxa are shared. Edge color reflects the direction of correlation, with red edges indicating a negative, and green edges indicating a positive correlation, respectively. Node hubs have been labeled, while clusters are referred to by their nominate node, or the taxa with the highest edge count in a given cluster by network. Node positions are fixed between networks (full node maps and labels found in Fig S4 and Table S5)

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