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Fig. 3 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Prioritizing genes associated with brain disorders by leveraging enhancer-promoter interactions in diverse neural cells and tissues

Fig. 3

Specificity and functions of CREs and reconstructed EPIs in human brain. Clustering of the 439 cell and tissue types (a) and the 54 neural cell and tissue types (b) based on the similarities of their reconstructed EPIs. We used Jaccard index to quantify the overlap of the reconstructed EPIs bwteen each pair of cell and tissue types. c Visualization of the EPIs that were active in only one single group of cell and tissue types. Here we only presented the subnetworks on Chromosome1. d Evolutionary conservation of the enhancers with distinct tissue- (left) and stage-specific (right) activity patterns. *** P < 0.001; ** P < 0.01; * P < 0.05; Wilcoxon test. e The enrichment of TF binding in the enhancers with distinct tissue- (up) and stage-specific activity patterns (bottom). We showed the most enriched 15 TFs for each group of enhancers. f The most enriched biological processes for the genes with distinct tissue- (left) and stage-specific activity patterns (middle and right)

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