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Fig. 5 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 5

From: Prioritizing genes associated with brain disorders by leveraging enhancer-promoter interactions in diverse neural cells and tissues

Fig. 5

Prioritized genes associated with brain disorders and behavioral-cognitive phenotypes. a Overlap between the prioritized disorder-associated genes based on EPIs and known risk genes for three brain disorders. The P-values were estimated using Fisher’s exact test. AD, Alzheimer’s disease; BIP, bipolar disorder; SCZ, schizophrenia. b Bar plot showing the number of associated genes that are shared within each category of brain disorders and behavioral-cognitive phenotypes (left), as well as the number of shared associated genes between different categories (right). The P-values were estimated using Fisher’s exact test. c The most enriched biological processes (top five) of the shared associated genes for each category of brain disorders and behavioral-cognitive phenotypes

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