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Fig. 6 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Prioritizing genes associated with brain disorders by leveraging enhancer-promoter interactions in diverse neural cells and tissues

Fig. 6

Expression dynamics of the associated genes of brain disorders and behavioral-cognitive phenotypes. a The CAGE activity profiles of the AD-associated genes in diverse brain regions. For each brain region, we showed the expression levels of the associated genes at the newborn and adult tissues, respectively. *** P < 0.001; ** P < 0.01; * P < 0.05; Wilcoxon test. AD, Alzheimer’s disease. b,c Expression profiles of the genes associated with diverse disorders and behavioral-cognitive phenotypes from different brain single-cell types at the fetal (b) and adult (c) stage. The gene expression data of brain single cells were collected from STAB database [70]. We used single-cell datasets from 19–26 PCW and 40–60 years in the analysis at the fetal and adult stage, respectively. *** P < 0.001; ** P < 0.01; * P < 0.05; ANOVA test. PCW, postconceptional weeks. OPC, oligodendrocyte progenitor cell. d Developmental expression trajectories of the genes associated with disorders and behavioral-cognitive phenotypes. The gene expression data were collected from Zhu et. al [8]. The LOESS plots show smooth curves with 95% confidence bands. P2, 8 ≤ Age < 10 PCW; P3, 10 PCW ≤ Age < 13 PCW; P4, 13 PCW ≤ Age < 16 PCW; P5, 16 PCW ≤ Age < 19 PCW; P6, 19 PCW ≤ Age < 24 PCW; P7, 24 PCW ≤ Age < Birth; P8, Birth ≤ Age < 6 months; P9, 6 months ≤ Age < 1 year; P10, 1 ≤ Age < 6 years; P11, 6 ≤ Age < 12 years; P12, 12 ≤ Age < 20 years; P13, 20 ≤ Age < 60 years. PCW, postconceptional weeks

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