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Fig. 3 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 3

From: The impact of damaging epilepsy and cardiac genetic variant burden in sudden death in the young

Fig. 3

Number of rare, nonsynonymous, epilepsy gene variants correlated with younger age at death. The age at death was plotted against the number of rare variants (gnomAD allele frequency < 0.001) in either the A Epilepsy or B CMAR1 gene list. Number of variants in the epilepsy gene list significantly correlated with age at death, (p = 0.0053, adjusted for the first 6 principal components of ancestry). A similar analysis of rare, predicted damaging variation in the CMAR1 genes did not show association with age at death (p = 0.85, p value adjusted for ancestry). Inset is a histogram showing number of decedents < 1 year old by variant burden, box plots (black) represent decedent age distribution for each variant burden. Dark gray line = regression line of unadjusted model; dark gray shading represents 95% confidence intervals

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