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Fig. 6 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Integrative analysis of spatial and single-cell transcriptome data from human pancreatic cancer reveals an intermediate cancer cell population associated with poor prognosis

Fig. 6

Spatial deconvolution of human PDAC tissue. A Predicted cellular abundances in spatial transcriptome data from a PDAC patient sample (PID_22). Major global cell types, major epithelial, and fibroblast subclusters are shown. B,C Subcluster compositions of (B) cancer cell and (C) fibroblast populations in PDAC patient samples. D,E Scatter plots depicting subcluster compositions of (D) cancer cell and (E) fibroblast populations from scRNA-seq and paired spatial data. Each dot represents the proportions of each subcluster in a patient, where the proportion from scRNA-seq data is plotted on the x-axis, and the proportion from the paired spatial data is plotted on the y-axis. Pearson’s r-value and P-value for the correlation coefficient are depicted on the upper left side of each plot. F Pairwise cosine similarities of cancer cell and fibroblast subcluster compositions

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