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Fig. 4 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Rare subclonal sequencing of breast cancers indicates putative metastatic driver mutations are predominately acquired after dissemination

Fig. 4

CCF estimates of putative metastatic driver mutations within primary and metastatic tumors. Estimated posterior distributions of CCF (violin plots) in primary tumor blocks (PI and PII) and metastatic tumor blocks (MI, MII, MIII) for (red) metastatic driver mutations that were detected by UDS-UMI/UDG within rare subclones of the primary tumor and (blue) metastatic driver mutations that were not detected within the primary tumor. Distribution height indicates the range of possible CCF values, with the widest point indicating the most likely estimate, using each possible number of mutant alleles (multiplicity factor). Dashed lines indicate a clonal mutation (CCF = 1). Within one metastatic tumor block in patient P11, one mutation did not reach required sequencing thresholds and is labeled in grey. No distributions are shown for mutations that were not detected within primary tumor blocks

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