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Fig. 2 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Biological basis of extensive pleiotropy between blood traits and cancer risk

Fig. 2

Shared genetics of blood traits and cancer risk. a Stratified Q-Q plot for breast cancer risk (BC#1) as a function of the significance of SNP associations with LYMPH#, as indicated in the inset. The dotted line indicates no association. b Histogram depicting the number of variants (n ×10−3; conjFDR < 0.05) shared between cancer risk and blood traits. The colored bar indicates the number of individuals originally included in each cancer GWAS, as denoted in the inset. c Histogram depicting the distribution of classes of genetic elements (denoted in the inset) across the identified pleiotropic loci and cancer studies. d Plot depicting the relationship between the number (X-axis; log10) of individuals in each GWAS analyzed and the number of identified pleiotropic variants (conjFDR < 0.05; log10). e Histogram depicting the number of variants (n ×10−3; conjFDR < 0.05) shared by blood traits and cancer risk. f Histogram depicting the distribution of classes of genetic elements (denoted in the inset) across the identified pleiotropic loci and blood traits. g Pie charts showing the contribution of each blood trait to each cancer risk study based on the number of shared variants. Color-coded blood trait acronyms are depicted in the inset. h Heatmap showing the overrepresentation and underrepresentation of shared blood-trait variants for each cancer study. The significant associations (FDR-adjusted p < 0.05) are indicated by black-bordered squares

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