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Fig. 3 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Ethnic variations in metabolic syndrome components and their associations with the gut microbiota: the HELIUS study

Fig. 3

Overview of the (ethnic-independent) individual ASV analysis per MetS-related outcome (dependent variable), using (logistic) regression models. Models were run with the arcsin squared-root transformed ASV abundance as an independent variable and adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity (Dutch as reference), and sex:ethnicity (except for HighTri). Models and FDR correction was applied per outcome (either binarized or continuous). Analyses were performed on the subcohort (n = 3443) with microbiota data. A Overview of the number of significant ASVs (FDR corrected p < 0.05) per outcome (either binarized or continuous). Color indicates if the ASV is significant only for the continuous outcome, only for the binarized outcome or for both. For both SBP and DBP, High Bloodpressure =  = Yes is used as binarized outcome. B Overview of the number of significant ASVs per grouping of components. Per component, ASVs were selected for the combined outcome if it was significant for the binarized and/or continuous outcome. For blood pressure, SBP and DBP are taken together. M = metabolic syndrome, W = waist circumference, B = blood pressure, H = HDL, T = (log transformed) triglycerides, G = glucose. C Overview of a subset of the significant ASVs that were significant for at least 3 components, using the combined indication from B and using MetS itself as a separate component. For HDL, the direction of association is inverted, to make it more consistent with a healthier phenotype. p-values, direction of coefficients, taxonomical family of the ASV, and the mean relative abundance (%) and prevalence (%) are indicated per ASV

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