Genome Medicine is an open access journal publishing outstanding research in the application of genetics, genomics and multi-omics to understand, diagnose and treat disease, bridging the basic science and clinical research communities. Our publication policy combines selection for broad interest and importance with a commitment to serving authors well.
Hospitable publishing process. Genome Medicine offers rapid evaluation and clear and continuous communication on the progress of your manuscript. Upon submission, our in-house editors work with carefully selected reviewers and where necessary our Editorial Board of leading international experts to ensure a high quality and constructive editorial and peer review process.
High visibility. All content is open access immediately on publication. Papers that are published in Genome Medicine are featured on our website with article-level metrics and promoted via press releases, blogs and social media.
Flexible formatting. To facilitate the submission process, we are flexible with regard to the format, style and length of initial submissions. If it is more convenient to the authors, manuscripts can be uploaded as a single PDF or a Microsoft Word file with high resolution figures, figure legends and supplemental information included. The cover letter is provided separately during the submission process. Journal-specific formatting is required only once manuscripts reach the later stages of the publication process.
Portable peer review. To reduce time spent on serial submissions and iterative reviewing, Genome Medicine offers to consider manuscripts on the basis of reviews received at other journals. We also support transfers of reviews obtained at Genome Medicine to other journals, including those outside of BMC and Springer Nature. Learn more from our peer review policy page.
Scoop protection. Genome Medicine offers "scoop protection", meaning that if other researchers publish similar findings after submission, or post them on a preprint server, this will not be a reason for rejection. However, the submission can still be rejected on other grounds.
Submissions from medRxiv. Genome Medicine is happy to consider manuscripts that have been, or will be, posted on a preprint server. Authors are able to submit their manuscripts directly from medRxiv without having to re-upload files.
Why publish your article in Genome Medicine?
- We publish important advances of broad interest in the application of genetics, genomics and multi-omics to understand, diagnose, and treat disease. We aim to bridge the basic science and clinical research communities in all areas of human health and disease, including clinical genomics, precision medicine, and clinical trials.
- Ranked in the top quartile of genetics and heredity journals worldwide, we publish high quality research and expert reviews across basic science, translational, and clinical research.
- Our expert and highly responsive editorial team provides excellent service throughout, with rapid evaluation and publication of research with broad and lasting impact.
- As a fully open access journal with more than 3.5 million annual downloads, Genome Medicine reaches a broad international genomic audience.